Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Life moves too fast...

June through July 4th.

A brief Synopsis:

Jory got two teeth.

Promotion at work for me.

Birthday for P.

Crawling for Jory.

Recovery from surgery.

Sewage crisis in the house.

Vagabond living from our suitcase.


More stress.

Move back into our house.

Take a Vegas Vacation.

Discover that Vegas is not the most baby-friendly place on earth.

Discover that Vegas potentially could be deadly, promptly leave Vegas.

Feel what 122 degree heat is like in Death Valley.

Return home, glad to be alive.

Granddaddy makes a surprise flight into town, en rout to Hawaii.

Spend the 4th of July recovering from the last 20-some-odd days...

Thank God that I'm an American Veteran.

Thank God my wife is an American Service member.

Thank God for our liberty and freedom.

Crawling around with Grandady

Playtime with Grandady

Kodak moment

saying goodbye to grandaddy til his next fly-by thru San Diego.

Jory chillin with Grandaddy.

This was unbelievable. J fell asleep like this on the floor while Mama was at work.

J's first Independence Day. Happy Fourth!

J's new Sesame Street learning table. We now have the ABC alphabet song permanently stuck in our heads!

Daddy's post-Vegas face. Been there, done that. Never Again!!

Big mean tiger shark

In the aquarium

Jory watching the sting rays at Shark Reef at the Mandolin Bay

Our little "bambito" was Vegas'd out!!

Quick family pose before saying goodbye.

The light show at the Bellagio was way cool.

The Strip (not a place for baby strollers we immediately found out).

Cool pic of the handblown glass at The Bellagio.

Jordyn all ready for the pool at The Flamingo.

Inside the Venetian

What is that Daddy doing?

J and Uncle D

Jory's first pickle at Margaritaville. She likes to try whatever mama and daddy are eating... even a sour salty pickle.

They are building a suspension bridge parallel to the dam over the Colorado River. It is incredible.

Look Ma, I'm a big girl at the wheel with Daddy!

The three of us at the Dam.

Jordyn slept through most of the tour.

It was 110 degrees that day and P had jeans on. The white people melted.

The Hoover Dam... A magnificent feat of mankind... definitely not for the faint of heights!

Our little princess.

We had to ghetto rig feeding time for a while during the sewage meltdown. Jory is a trooper and went with the flow. She is such a good baby.

Little Tykes swing

The umbrella stroller was Jory's mode of transportation during P's surgery recovery for a couple weeks.

More ducky time.

We had to say goodbye to all these toys after our sewage meltdown. It was a fiasco to say the least.

Jory's favorite time of day... "Ducky time"