Sunday, November 13, 2005

Begining... and now...

Hey… I got all nostalgic inside tonight when I was uploading some baby pictures. I began thinking back to the ‘beginning’ and decided to lay out a random sample of some of our ‘us’ moments together… from practically day one of ‘us’ up through and including our wedding day… I don’t ever want anyone to forget that beside our beautiful little girl are two people who are madly and deeply in love and committed to one another… for better or for worse. Enjoy…

Making memories

We are at 4 weeks now. Wow...
Jory has taken well to a better schedule. She sleeps at night for several hours at a time. That is fantastic for P... since she has to go back to work in a month. Time is flying by...
Every moment with our little girl is a fantastic one... tonight I am sitting here reflecting on how far P and I have come since we met... I get all mooshy inside thinking how our wonderful life together (now and then) all began with the word "hello."

Ahh... memory lane.

Nappy time



Point Loma (Jory is under the pink blanket I am carrying)


#1 alltime favorite picture

I think this is my favorite picture... ever.

Beach together

Mission Beach


Out enjoying some beach air and sunshine


All clean

Bath Time

Sqeaky Clean


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Movie time

We don't get out much any more.

Since we spend all of our time at home now, we have decided to get a netflix account. In case you are unaware, netflix is the good movie and dvd company to ‘rent’ from these days, as opposed to the old evil corporate empire that needs to die out and go forever out of business. With netflix, you can select as many movies as you want to watch and then they show up in your mailbox a few at a time. You watch them and return them at your leisure. No late fees. Once the returned dvd arrives back at netflix, the next dvd in your list get mailed out to you. It’s that simple. Oh, and the fee is next to nothing also.

It is fall season... almost...

We have the leaves falling from the trees here... well... Almost.