Sunday, December 04, 2005

December is upon us

Jory is 7 weeks old as of this past Saturday. It is unreal to me how quick the time has burned by and how fast she is growing. She is not your typical infant… although I am inexperienced in precisely what a "typical" infant would be… I do know that my expectations of "typical" are not what I see when I look at my daughter. She’s super active and extremely alert. I suppose I expected an infant to be more like a houseplant. At least, that is how this stage of life was described to me.

We’ve had many friends and family drop in on us this past month. P’s mother and grandmother were here. A blink of an eye later, my brother was out here to see us and the baby. Next thing we knew, Thanksgiving was here and Erik and Lydia too! My good friend Horace was down from Camp Pendleton celebrating the holiday with us as well as P’s friend from college, Stiles. We had a full house.

Now we’re back to just we three, however, that will all change in another week or so because P’s mom and dad and sister Lizzy will all be here for Christmas.

Time is wizzing by… if anyone is still thinking about getting me that perfect gift, try and find me some sort of device that converts one hour into four. I think those guys over at the sharper image might have one.

We love going for a drive!

Day in the sun

Laying out in the sun

After church

It's tough... all of this decorating around the house.

Artemis is again playing the role of quality control agent... and inspecting the tree we brought home.

Buying our Christmas tree.

Helping daddy win at monopoly

Ready to go for a stroll



Thanksgiving day

Aunt Lydia loves me!

Fun time with Uncle Eric.

Uncle Eric and Aunt Lydia

Uncle Jim saying bye-bye. {*note*} Coffee cup in hand... a must for new parents.

Bottle time

Who is that?

Uncle Jim

Jory and Uncle Jim