Saturday, January 29, 2005

On top...

Who would have ever thought that I (ME!) would ever make an A in college algebra... much less -ace- the final exam?

I'm totally riding the high of doing something right. Nothing can bring me down today. There's just something about having another full semester of school behind me. The air tastes sweeter today... the sky is a deeper shade of blue... the sunshine seems to sting my skin in that 'just right' sort of way... and the glint of the sun off the ocean seems to cause my eyes to squint just a little sharper... fixing my face in a smile that is, well... complete. Very seldom in life do we stop for moments like this one.

This is a genuine moment. I feel... real. Alive. I feel... more than fine.

(Mom, Dad... thank you for always believing in me.)

I quote one of the greatest bards of our time, Pat Green {From Wave on Wave; Eden's Gate}:
" Tell me something
And I'll be okay
Told myself I'd be alright
No doubt
So when do I know
When I've been lyin'?
I can't believe it took 30 years
To figure [it all] out"

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Yeah... this says it all.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

a 'few' presents around the tree at my Grandma's house. Posted by Hello

Our friends Mel and Terri down in Galveston Posted by Hello

Christmas morning... Posted by Hello

Humbug! Posted by Hello

Digging for 'gold' in the swamps of Louisiana.. Posted by Hello

P in the tree... Posted by Hello

Still here...

Sorry everyone... I have gone far too long without an update here or even so much as leaving a post that I'm still alive or something...

This past holiday season has been a bit of a blur... I guess I've neglected to take the time and update the blog... partly I think because my digital cam has taken the rest of the year off... in fact, if anyone can recommend a decent digital cam to me without breaking the bank, drop me an email... so anyhow, without being able to update with photos... I've not been as motivated to write...

So what has happened in our lives out here?


School kind of snuck up on me. I've already knocked out another 9 credits... then our 1yr anniversary was on us so fast my head is still spinning [wow, one whole year!]... then Christmas with my family [which, if you know my family... yeah... double wow]... Then new years... and then my birthday... so yeah... we've been really busy... oh, and still having to get back into classes as of the 4th of Jan...

Anyhow... I'll be working on updates more often... I apologize for falling off the face of the earth here this past two months...

I have a couple pics from Xmas that I can toss up here for now... it was too much fun.